Backpacking Cumberland Island: Campgrounds

Looking to camp on Cumberland Island, well then you’re gonna need to figure out which campground you want to stay at!  Although some of the barrier islands seem like backcountry playgrounds that allow beach camping, everything is tightly managed at Cumberland befitting it status as a National Seashore.

If you’re just joining me, then perhaps you’ll want to check out my previous post which provides an overview of my trip to the island.  Otherwise, read on!

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Canoe Camping the Okefenokee Swamp

There is always a first time for everything. Or, there is always a first time for everything you do at least once. For me, this was my first time canoe camping. I’ve camped instead of staying in hotels on long road trips. I’ve RV camped. I’ve gone glamping. I’ve camped on overnight backpacking trips. But canoe camping? This was new to me.

And you know what? Its awesome. But, a goodly part of it being awesome was the location, and of the Okefenokee Swamp I do not think enough good things can be said.

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Hiking the Wolfden Loop in FDR State Park

I’ve read somewhere that summer is the best time to camp (and thus possibly by extension to hike).  To that person, I ask “Have you ever hiked in the South?”

Maybe in Seattle where the summers are a balmy 70 degrees and the weather channel warns of a heat wave when the mercury rises to 85 (For my fellow southerners – I am not kidding.  It may have something to do with the fact that AC is not a standard features on homes) but in when its 95+ degrees out the only activity I want to do outside is drink beer.

That said, as August gets ready to give way to September, Atlanta has been treated to unseasonably cool weather!  An early Fall?  Fingers crossed!

So in order to take advantage of the cool weather a hike was called for! Continue reading